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Goldilocks goes Green- a Virtual Theology Chat*

Listen to Jean’s fascinating insights on Passcode: CwW*^9ts

Revd Jean Palmer : Goldilocks goes Green: Exploring ways of thinking about the ‘why’ of creation care.

Based on insights from  a ‘green’ reading of Revelation, this talk suggests an imperative for creation care and environmental action that goes beyond pragmatic self-interest and enriches our understandings of stewardship or kaitiakitanga. It is Creator-centred and presents human accountability in the context of a respect for the integrity and  status of the natural world around us.

Jean spoke on Wednesday 23 June 2021 on Virtual Theology Chat

Today more than ever we are all cherishing things like our native birds and flowers with much affection.  There is no better time to think about these things with our rapid rise in immigration and the toll that takes on our creation and the way mankind goes about roaring about, but not thinking about the consequences of putting their heels on native fauna and species with out  king about what they are doing.

I am glad that I managed to hear Jean’s talk and I will share this with my Mother’s Union leaders so they may like to get their teams to do a workshop about these matters so as to make us all think about this from a biblical point of view of our creation,and our responsibility to it .I am really glad to have heard the talk. Joan Neild, NZ provincial president, Mother’s Union

 Jean has gained a Master of Theology (distinction), at Laidlaw College ,Bachelor of Theology, Laidlaw College’ Postgraduate Certificate in Education, London University. and Bachelor of Arts (Hons), London University

Jean was ordained Priest in 2014. her publications include ‘Holistic Discipleship: Embracing the Mission of God to All of Creation through a ‘Green’ Reading of Revelation, Stimulus (July 2019).

Jean will also be presenting at the AWSC Leadership Hui: The Earth as our Mother/Te Orokohanganga o te Ao/ Na Tina ni Vanua 13-16 October 2021, at St Peter’s School, Cambridge

Goldilocks, by Zita, 5
Posted in Virtual Theology Chat

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