Tikanga Pasefika Council Member: Ms Kelera Oli

Kelera Oli was born into a Christian family and baptized in the Anglican Church in Naviavia, Savusavu in 1966 and confirmed for Holy Communion in 1979 at St John’s Church, Wailoku, Suva.
Kelera is experienced in all the groups within the church particularly in the Women’s groups. She has played an active part of the Association of Anglican Women for about 30 years and has served the leadership team for more than 10 years. She is also affiliated with the Mother’s Union .
Kelera has participated as a liturgist and preacher for more than 10 years and as a Licensed Lay Minister for 2 years. She is currently a vestry member at the St Matthew’s Church in Suva and representative to the Diocesan Synod.
‘I have specialized in Climate Change and Health for about 10 years now.’
‘I have 4 children, 2 grandchildren , 4 sisters, 2 brothers (1 deceased) and many nephews and nieces with their own little families.’
Kelera says, ‘Time management and setting right priorities in my daily schedule are important in maintaining a balance in my professional life, my church (spiritual) life, family time and obligations, and community and friendship network’.
Tikanga Maori Council Member: Revd Bettina Maxwell

Ko Tainui toku Wak
Ko Hoturoa te Rangatira,
Ko Torere-nui-a-rua te Tipuna
He Iti taku iti,, taku puku I ahua,
Ko Rangiahua te Maunga kei Tai,
Ko Kapuarangi ki Uta.
Ko Wainui Te Awa e tere atu ki te moana nui a Toi.
Ko Ngai Tai te Iwi,
Ko Torere te marae
Ko Otutamure te nohonga kainga
Ko Bettina Taumau Maxwell ahau
Tena koutou katoa.
I am a mother with two adult children and Nanny / kuia to my many mokopuna. I was ordained to the priesthood over 20 years ago and serve in Te Hui Amorangi O Te Manawa O Te Wheke under the episcopal leadership of Bishop Ngarahu Katene.
I currently hold the position of Vicar General and work closely with Bishop Ngarahu, the Amorangi Trust Board and Staff. I was recently appointed a Kaiwhakaako and currently tutor at monthly wananga. Although I no longer hold the position of Missioner, I continue to support the vestries of he Rohe O Te Kaha and Mataatua. My heart will always be in a small coastal village called Torere and that being so, I continually provide spiritual care and guidance to my people.
I love gardening, reading and spending time with my mokopuna.
Ko te Atua to tatou piringa me to tatou kaha; he kai awhina e tino tata ana i nga wa o te he. Waiata 46:1
Tikanga Pakeha Council Member: Mrs Bridie Marsden-Boyd

Kia Ora! My name is Bridie and I’m passionate about connecting people to God in a deep and sustainable way. I have studied Philosophy and Theology for over a decade now, with my favourite areas being pastoral theology, embodied theology and ethics.
Day to day I work as a chaplain and love journeying along side people when they are feeling lost and low. Otautahi is my home where I live with my husband, children and a very naughty pup called Theodore.
Tikanga Pasefika Council Member: Mrs Quandolita Reid- Enari

The eldest of 6 siblings and a twin, Quandolita hails from Samoa. She is a teacher by profession. She is married with 3 children, 2 boys (ages 22 & 19) and 1 girl (aged 9). She was born, baptized, confirmed and married in the Anglican faith. She has served the church from a young age in the Sunday School, as an acolyte, a Youth member, Vestry Secretary, AAW Treasurer, Lay Synod Rep for the Diocese of Polynesia, Archdeaconry Secretary/Treasurer, MCM Coordinator for Samoa, a Link for the AWSC, and recently the Overseas and Outreach Coordinator for the Diocese of Polynesia AAW, and as a Councillor for the AWSC.
She believes that in life there are challenges, and no challenge cannot be solved when you are with God. God sets the impossible to a greater possibilities. Through this she has continued to believe that: “Winners never quit! Quitters never win”! You can never win if you are a quitter.
Tikanga Pakeha Council Member: Revd Natalie Milliken

Natalie is the newly appointed Councillor, tikanga Pakeha, for the Council for Anglican Women’s Studies.
Natalie is the Vicar of St Peter’s , Caversham, Dunedin. She brings a wealth of experience, a sharp mind , and a great sense of humour to the Council.
Natalie started her career in full-time teaching in 1990. She began studying Theology as a mature student due to an increased involvement in church commitments, was called to formal ministry and trained through St Marks National Theological College in Canberra. She was ordained in St Saviours Cathedral Goulburn.
After ordination she was employed at Junee Correctional Centre as the Anglican prison chaplain. She has been a registered lay reader, curate and assistant priest in small rural Anglo-Catholic parishes across the Monaro and Riverina.
Academic qualifications include a Master of Pastoral Counselling, Master of Theology, Master of Education, Diploma of Anglican Orders, Graduate Diploma in Educational Studies, B.A. in Literature & History and Diploma of Teaching.
Tikanga Maori Council Member: Ms Hera Clarke

Hera Clarke is a Māori Anglican social services leader and former member of the Crown Response Unit for historical claims. She has coordinated redress for hundreds of survivors of abuse in state care, and is now the Commissary for Reconciliation and Restoration, Anglican Church of Aotearoa NZ and Polynesia.
LINK representatives for Tikanga Maori

Hui Amorangi o te Taitokerau
Revd Deb Cole kaituitui@mihingare.org.nz
Revd Jenny Quince quincemail@xtra.co.nz

Hui Amorangi o te Tairawhiti
Revd Merekaraka te Whitu , Tikitiki

Hui Amorangi o te Manawa o te Wheke
Revd Raumiria McRoberts teraumiriakerei@gmail.com
Hui Amorangi o te Upoko o te Ika
Revd Kura Andrews kurahapairangi69@gmail.com
Diocese of Te Waipounamu
Revd Tapita Ching des-tapita@xtra.co.nz
LINK representatives for Tikanga Pakeha

Diocese of Auckland
Revd Dr Nyasha Gumbeze tamarisk1999@yahoo.co.nz

Diocese of Christchurch
Revd Stephanie Clay stephaniedemytruk@msn.com
Diocese of Dunedin
Ms Jenny Campbell jennycam@xtra.co.nz

The Revd Dr Anne van Gend enabler@calledsouth.org.nz
Diocese of Nelson
Revd Watiri Maina revwatiri@gmail.com
Diocese of Waiapu
awaiting nomination
Diocese of Waikato & Taranaki
Ms Heather Riches heather.hilary@hotmail.com
Diocese of Wellington
Ms Sonya Lewthwaite sonya.lewthwaite@gmail.com
LINK representatives for Tikanga Polynesia

Samoa Archdeaconry
Mrs Isadora Betham ivbetham@gmail.com
Fiji Archdeaconry
Ms Adi Lilieta Tukana asfcsm2018@gmail.com
Tonga Archdeaconry
Ms Akanesi Folau nesifolau@gmail.com

New Zealand Archdeaconry
Revd Lipena T. Smith lsmi119@aucklanduni.ac.nz
Ms MAple F. Pa’iaaua mfaleafaga81@gmail.com
Council and Links February 2024, St Francis Retreat and Conference Centre, Auckland

Council and Links and friends April 2023 St Margaret’s College, Christchurch