For women in leadership, for women’s voices in theology, for mentoring, networking, publishing and for making a difference.
AWSC is a project of the Anglican Church in Aotearoa , New Zealand and Polynesia
Are you looking for resources
for leadership training and theological education?
The Centre for Anglican Women’s Studies is an educational project funded by the St John’s College Trust Board, to promote mana wahine, the full potential women’s leadership in the Anglican Church in the motu.
- We gather together women in leadership and training , locally, nationally and internationally.
- We mentor women in leadership and theological and ministry development
- We access funding
- We publish a newsletter, run a website and produce books.
- We advocate for gender balance across the tikanga.
The Centre encourages and promotes theological learning for women at all levels from local to post doctoral. One of our priorities is to increase the numbers of women in representative positions in the Anglican Church.
Our intention is to ensure that women’s voices and stories are heard and heeded.
We value talanoa a traditional word used in Fiji and through the Pacific. The purpose of Talanoa is to share stories, build empathy and to make wise decisions for the collective good.