The new Convenor of the Council for Anglican Women’s Studies is the Ven Canon Helen Roud.

Tena koutou katoa, Bula vinaka, Malo e lelei, Talofa lava, warm greetings in Christ.
I was delighted to join AWSC council in July 2017, just in time to travel to Tonga for a wonderfully informative council meeting. What struck me then and has continued since, is the glorious diversity of gifts, the faithfulness and commitment to growth, learning and leadership, and the joyful fellowship of the women I have the privilege to meet – in council and across our 3-tikanga church.
I currently serve in Christchurch as an archdeacon, vicar of St. Mary the Virgin, Addington parish, a clerical canon and Clinical Pastoral Education (CPE) supervisor. I also represent our diocese on the Tikanga Pakeha Ecumenical Group, valuing the opportunity to continue exploring and honouring both ecumenical and interfaith relationships. My passion is the personal and collective journey of growth towards fullness of life in Christ…which includes celebrating the divine feminine, delighting in the beauty of creation… and especially my children and grandchildren!
Helen is one of two Pakeha Councillors for the Anglican Women’s Studies Cnetre.. along with the Revd Val Riches. The two Maori Counillors are the Revd Bettina Maxwell and Ms Ruihana Paenga.
Tikanga Pasefika is represented by Ms Kelera Oli and Mrs Zita Reid.