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Anglican Communion on Covid-19

A message to Anglicans around the world from the global leadership of the Anglican Communion 

As governments around the world react and respond to the Covid-19 Coronavirus pandemic, many people are finding them-selves facing unprecedented restrictions on their day-to-day lives. 

Many of us will have lived with such restrictions on a temporary basis in our particular country or region over recent years in response to instability, wars, and natural disasters. But for many, such restrictions are new. In any event, the global nature of the restrictions put them on an entirely different scale not seen since the Second World War. 

Many provinces of the Anglican Communion have suspended public worship in response to local official advice. This, along with other restrictions people are being asked to face, may be daunting, confusing and In our prayers, in addition to praying for those who are ill, and for those who are lonely, we should pray for wisdom for those in authority and for strength to be given to medical workers. We should do more than pray. We should also act by heeding the advice of our respective national and regional authorities who are working to contain the virus; and we should care for those who are unable to care for themselves. 

Posted in International

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