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A Writing Retreat- is it for me?

Writing retreats can be a very helpful (and needful) way to carve out some precious time to write.

Cassandra Burton Wood

In this Virtual Theology Chat, Cassandra shows how to organise and run a retreat.

Are you a person who writes?

photo , linked-in, unsplash

Whether it’s academic study, sermons, creative writing, family histories, reflective practices, or research, many women have a thread of a love of writing woven through their lives. Actually finding the time and space to do the writing can be an on-going challenge. Writing retreats can be a very helpful (and needful) way to carve out some precious time to write. And you don’t have to wait for someone else to organise one for you! I have been part of a lay community writing group who has been learning how to run writing retreats together for the last two years. This workshop comes out of our learning with the aims to empower women to organise and run their own writing retreats tailored to their own needs and the needs of their communities. It is for anyone who likes to write and has never considered going on a writing retreat before and for people who have been on a writing retreat and want to run one themselves. 

photo: kinga-chchewic, unsplash

Cassandra lives in Christchurch and has been studying theology at Regent College in Vancouver by distance for the last year. It’s been pretty challenging and isolating at times, so she’s been working on creative ways of drawing people together around learning and theological reflection outside of the standard classroom mode. She loves to write for her professors, for her friends, and for herself. 

Posted in Gatherings - in person and online, Latest News, Virtual Theology Chat

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