The Revd Bettina Maxwell, Convenor of the Council for Anglican Women’s Studies,
appointed as the Vicar General for Te Hui Amorangi o Te Manawa o te Wheke
Liturgy of Thanksgiving, and Hui Whakahirahira at Torere Marae 27 May 2023

What a magnificent day to celebrate the new Vicar General , the Revd Bettina Maxwell .
Torere Marae was sparkling in the sun, the sea birds were calling from the calm sea waters, and the green hills surrounded us with warmth and aroha.
As the administrator of the Council for Anglican Women’s Studies, I was honoured to attend this celebration.
Ceridwyn Parr

Elizabeth Gifford, Kamana Katene,
Kahu Ehau, Ceridwyn and Vic Tamati

as part of the Liturgy of Thanksgiving

Sitting: Vicki Tamati, Standing: Revs Yonine Duff, Peace Mitchell,
Elaine Kasper Archdeacon Joe Huta

to Convenor Bettina.

Joe Huta-hidden, Yonine Duff, front: Bettina and Te Aururangi Davis

Watch this short video about Torere Marae