7 pm 20 May Dr Jane Simpson: The Farewelling of a Home: writing and publishing a new liturgy. Last year, as I was writing an…
This year Bridie Boyd had the wonderful opportunity to participate in the United Nations Commission on the Status of Women. Sadly, she could not actually…
Happiness, sadness, reflection, anger and laugh out loud humour -all can be found in our latest publication. Deep spirituality, theological reflection, profound faith and aroha…
Pandemics and Plagues have been part of the Christian story from the beginning. Discover some podcasts which talk of Catherine of Sienna, Julian of Norwich…
Theology is exciting. It is about God’s word, God’s world and God’s people. It is vitally important for the church to nurture young Christians into…
Siouxsie Wiles is a calm, logical interpreter of the science of Covid-19, but she believes that, in spite of being a strong female voice, her…