Kahui Wahine are women and lay-leaders in Te Pihopatanga o Te Tairawhiti who hui together to maintain whanaungatanga and training opportunies through regular local hui, and attendance at the National Kahui Wahine conferences held bi-ennially. Key activities include fund-raising and advocacy for womens representation, social justice, and children’s ministry.
Renewal Conference 20 November
Kahui Wahine ki te Tairawhiti are proud to announce that the RENEWAL Conference will now be held on Saturday 20th November, 2021.
We hope you are able to attend as it is important to show our strength in numbers in unity. The conference will give you the opportunity to demonstrate your commitment to improving our kaupapa, and indeed the lives of women within our community.
If you have any further questions or would like to discuss any of the scheduled items, please feel free to call Sharlene on (06) 867-8856.