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Hui 2021 Te Whaea, Papatuanuku: Na Tina ni Vanua: The Earth is our Mother

Covid-19 has pushed our 2020 hui out into next year. Our bi-annual hui is now scheduled for 13-16 October 2021. The location is Waikato Diocesan School for Girls, River Road , Hamilton.

This is an exciting, educational, interactive, multi-strand event, for women of all three tikanga- Maori, Pasefika and Pakeha, to gather together, share and learn.

Photo shows women from three tikangaNai Cokanasiga, , tikanga Pasefika, Kaye Dyer, tikanga Pakeha and Jenny Quince, tikanga Maori, at the 2016 hui.

More information coming soon.

Posted in Gatherings - in person and online, Maori, Our Hui, Pakeha, Pasefika

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