or crochet your own neon whare A Virtual Theology Chat 20 July 2023 with Lissy and Rudi Robinson Cole https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2zwmpXJjo-w, Through the magic of the…
registrations are now closed but you are welcome to contact the Administrator for more information anglicanwomenstudies@gmail.com See the timetable below See the range of wonderful…
The Revd Bettina Maxwell, Convenor of the Council for Anglican Women’s Studies, appointed as the Vicar General for Te Hui Amorangi o Te Manawa o…
Who are we and what are we here for? The Venerable Mere Wallace explores Te Oranga Ake. How do we understand ministry and mission? Hui…
Lisa Guthrie, a Master’s student at Laidlaw College, is wishing to contact women who have been ordained priest for less than ten years.
Virtual Theology Chats in 2023 7pm-8pm on the third Thursday of the month Zoom https://anglicanchurch-nz.zoom.us/j/94599431152 Meeting ID: 945 9943 1152 All welcome to Zoom in.