The Revd Val Riches has been a Councillor for Anglican Women’s Studies for many years.
She stepped down recently to take up the position of Vicar General in the Diocese of Waikato and Taranaki, adding to her role as the Vicar of Morrinsville, and with NZ Association for Clinical Pastoral Education.
Beneath these pictures you can see some of the tributes from Council members.

From Bettina Maxwell
E taku tuahine i roto i a te Karaiti, e taku hoa Val,
Ka nui te mihi me te maioha mo o mahi whakaihiihi katoa mo te Whare Wananga mo nga wahine Mihinare. I tino harikoa ahau ki te mahi tahi me koe me te huarahi hihiri I whakapuaki ai koe I o wheako ki a matou
Ma te Atua koutou e manaaki i roto i nga mahi hou kua whakaritea e te hahi, hei mahi mou.
E te Hoa, ehara tenei i te poroporoaki, i te mea e mohio ana ahau ka tutaki ano tatou i te wa, engari mo naianei, ko toku inoi, ma to tatou Kaiwhakaora e whakamarumaru ia koe, to whanau hoki I raro I ona parirau aroha.
Nga Whakamoemiti me te arohanui
Mai to tuahine I roto I te Ariki.
Bettina Maxwell
My sister in Christ, My friend Val,
My sincere thanks and appreciation for all your work for the Centre for Anglican women. I have thoroughly enjoyed working with you and the experience that you shared so willingly with us.
May God bless you in the new role that the church has planned for you.
My friend, this is not goodbye, as I am sure we will meet again soon, but for now my prayer is that our Redeemer will continue to shelter you and your family under his loving wings.
Blessings and love
Your sister in Christ.
Bettina Maxwell

from AWSCl
From Ruihana Paenga: E te koka Val ka nui te mihi ka nui te aroha ki a koe mo tou kaha me tou manaaki i nga tau kua hipa.
Ma te Atua e manaaki
From Kelera Oli: Vinaka vakalevu Reverend Val. Loloma kei na masu –
From Zita Reid: Talofa Val, May our Lord Jesus Christ guide you thru your future endeavors.
Even though I haven’t met you in person but it was great to know you on our Zooms we had.
Faamanuia le Atua foai le tino ma le mafaufau malosi ia oe le uso…tina ia Keriso.
Zita Reid
From Nyasha Gumbeze: Here is what I would say in my language/Shona.
Tinotenda chaizvo Val. Makaita Zvakanaka – Thank you so much Val, you did well.
From Helen Roud: Many thanks Val, for your commitment, skill and enthusiasm in supporting AWSC. It was great working together as Pakeha councillors.
I’m so pleased our connection continues through CPE….
From Numia Tomoana: Dear Val,These God-chosen lives all around – what splendid friends they make! Ps 16.3 MSG
Na to rourou na taku rourou ka ora ai te iwi.
Arohanui, Numia