The Revd Bettina Maxwell speaks about the richness of Minita-a-iwi in the Anglican Church, tikanga Maori.
Bettina weaves her own experience and calling, on the remote East Coast of the North Island of Aotearoa/New Zealand. with evocative images and great photos of her mentors and leaders, into the wider picture of Minita a Iwi.
This Virtual Theology Chat provides a unique opportunity to hear the rich diversity of ministry in tikanga Maori, and provides inspiration for a way forward into a future of the new normal .

She is introduced by the Revd Ruihana Paenga. Tikanga Toru Youth Commission, and resident in Gisborne.
Virtual Theology Chats are an innovative opportunity to share research projects, publications, reflections, and interests, with a wide and interested audience of women associated with the Anglican Women’s Studies Centre. Speakers may be post graduate students, advanced practitioners , enthusiasts , creatives and thinkers.
Format: Using Zoom, the presenter speaks for up to 20 minutes, then the host invites
comments, questions and responses from the virtual audience. The chat ends after 1 hour.
see more https://anglicanwomen.nz/category/gatherings/virtual-theology-chat/