Lisa Guthrie, a Master’s student at Laidlaw College, is wishing to contact women who have been ordained priest for less than ten years.
My name is Lisa Guthrie, and I am a Masters student in Theology at Laidlaw College. This research project is work towards my thesis. I am undertaking this academic study alongside my training at St John’s College where I am in my fourth year.
The research aims to show how, for women, sharing our stories helps develop our sense of calling, because story-telling acts as a reflective process. It will give a women’s perspective of calling to the role of priest and locate the role of a priest in the context of Anglican women in Aotearoa New Zealand. I hope that by providing a women’s perspective of the priesthood and calling to the priesthood, women considering a vocation may be encouraged to pursue their vocation.
I am looking for women ordained as Priests since 2012 to participate in a focus group and share their experiences.
Participants will be asked to participate in one group session of 2 hours and discuss:
– their experiences of identifying a sense of call to ordained ministry
– times when they have shared this experience
– the development of their sense of call or vocation
Participants will support this research by providing an account of how their sense of calling has developed. Focus group participants will have the chance to share their experiences and contribute a rich description of the context of women priests in New Zealand.
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