Applications close 30 Sept. Lay and ordained women and men are invited to apply for scholarships. The St John’s College Trust Board provides scholarships to…
Rev Dr Jekheli Kibami-Singh – Leviticus, Land & Jubilee. Presented to the Tikanga Pakeha Ministry Council, May 2021. https://youtube/wIBfiBQXOZI Jekheli Singh is a tribal Christian…
The Revd Stephanie Clay is the Link representative for Christchurch DIocese, for the Anglican Women’s Studies Centre. She begins her new position as Chaplain at…
Order your copies through the General Synod Office At $30.00 plus P&P Email or phone (09)5214439
a story of true love and Christian service, from England, to Fiji, Rawene to Australia Rosemary Carey spent eleven years discovering the inspiring story of…
Nyasha has been appointed as one of the two tikanga Pakeha Council, joining the Revd Val Riches. Tikanga Maori Council are the Revd Bettina Maxwell,…