During Matariki, the stars took on another form. Not in the deep dark sky, but in a workshop in Manurewa, three brilliant stars shone out in glorious pinks, blues, yellow and green. This colour overload greeted members of AWSC visiting the workshop of Lissy Cole and Rudi Robison. Lissy and Rudi are drawing from traditional forms and crafts and creating new possibilities.
This resonated with AWSC as they too are drawing from the wisdom and experience of the past to create a new way for women in the Anglican Church.

An initial graphic for AWSC has been the concept of a wharenui, with its pou. These pou represent areas of work for AWSC gathered as follows: Leadership, Relationship and Theology. Vising Lissy and Rudi was a delight and a rich education in itself. The visit was also opened the AWSC to new ways of thinking, designing and celebrating

back: Ceridwyn Parr, Jenny Quince, Rudi Robinson, Kaye Dyer, Kura Andrews, Ruihana Paenga, Lissy Cole
front: Tapita Ching, Bettina Maxwell behind Tessa Tamihere,Adi Tuidama, Raumiria Mc Roberts ,