with Anglican Women’s Studies Centre
7pm – 8pm Third Thursday of the month , by Zoom
Thursday 18 August 2022 7pm Annette Cater We just try to be better

The Revd Annette Cater, BA BTh At 41, Annette has just been appointed Vicar of St James, Lower Hutt. She is pleased that her daughter can now see women in leadership in the church, but believes there is still work to be done in society and in the church

Thursday 22 Sept 2022 7pm Kelera Oli works in Suva and throughout Fiji I specialize in climate change and health impacts of climate change and health. ‘I am the daughter of an Anglican priest, and have been involved with the church and women’s groups all my life.’

Thursday 20 Oct 2022 7pm Sepi Hala’api’api Becoming a leader in the church of the Pacific. The Revd Sepi Hala’api’api BA Marine Affairs, Dip CS, is the Registrar Diocese of Polynesia, in Fiji
Virtual Theology Chats share research projects, publications, reflections, and interests, with a wide and interested audience associated with the Anglican Women’s Studies Centre, across all three tikanga- Maori, Pakeha and Pasefika. Speakers may be post graduate students, advanced practitioners , writers, enthusiasts , creatives and thinkers. Presenters may be alone, or in conversation/dialogue or interview, using Powerpoint, video, music etc
Format: Using Zoom, the presenter/s speaks for 20 -30 minutes, then the host invites
comments, questions and responses from the virtual audience. The chat ends after 1 hour.
Themes for 2022/23: My leadership journey, my community and faith connection, my research, my theological study, my community involvement.