Intriguing women speaking about their research, writing, thinking and theology
An online opportunity to zoom in from anywhere and hear ideas from everywhere

Opportunity to ask questions and make links with your own experience and ideas.
Open to everyone.
Anglican Women’s Studies Centre invites you to zoom in-
Third Thursday of the month (usually)
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 945 9943 1152
Passcode: 215527
16 September 7pm NZ time
Crisis? What Crisis? Is preventing the bad the same as planning the best?
Jacqui Paterson, currently co-dean at the Taranaki Cathedral, shares a pot-pouri of insights gleaned from a recent MBA paper ‘Leading Sustainable Enterprises’, which certainly gave her much food for thought and prayer.

Although her mahi focuses on some brief (and relatively superficial) considerations relating to the environmental challenge of carbon emissions, the underlying issues could apply to many other situations which our church, communities and world are facing currently.
Following a twenty minute presentation, there will be opportunity for discussion loosely based around the questions posed in the title, plus considerations for the present and future which flow from that.
The Very Revd Jacqui Paterson is studying in the new Faith-based Leadership and Management Program at the University of Otago.
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 951 0841 9181
Passcode: 500062
19 August 7pm NZ time/ Ms Eleni Tevi in Tonga,

Good Stewards of God’s Creation in a Damaged World
Mrs. Eleni Levin-Tevi Founder of the No Pelesitiki Campaign-Tonga, Head of EU Office in Tonga Mother of 5 and wife of Fe’iloakitau Kaho Tevi
Eleni is the founder of No Pelesitiki (Plastic) Campaign Tonga & member of CIVA mentors for church youth, co-founder of ‘Poumaama’ think tank & talanoa space; co-founder of Live it Tonga fb safe space; fashion designer, community worker, advocate and human defender, former teacher, mother of 5, married to Fe’iloakitau Tevi. [CIVA= Community Integrated Vulnerability Assessment]