this is subject to minor change
Thursday 2 Nov
3.30 pm Arrivals
4.30 pm Powhiri (assemble at 4.10)
6.00pm Dinner and registration
7.00pm Whakawhanaungatanga,
Introductions and connections across the motu, the tikanga, the Pacific…
8.30 pm Evening prayer with tikanga Maori
Friday 3 Nov
7.30am. Morning prayer from two tikanga
8.00, Breakfast
9.00 Registration for new arrivals
9.30 Session 1 “The many hands here today.” Welcome, with Ven Fran Hokianga, The Revd Fran Hokianga and the Revd Sela Havili
10.30 Morning tea
11.00 Session 2 “The hands who have come before.” Hold on for a ride through the sometimes bumpy story of women in the Church, with the Revd Val Riches and others
12.30 Lunch
1.30 Session 3: “Many hands to keep us safe–Understanding Ministry Standards ” with Ms Wendy Ball,LLB, Independent Registrar for the Ministry Standards Commission
3.00 Afternoon tea
3.30 Session 4 Ms Hera Clark Commissary for Reconciliation and Restoration, Anglican Church of Aotearoa NZ and Polynesia
5.00-6.00 tikanga caucus
6.00 Dinner
7.00 Session 6: Open evening with our tikanga Pakeha guest speaker “He Waka Eke Noa or He Waka Eke No? Thinking Intersectionally about Connection and Empowerment” Dr Emily Colgan “
9.00pm Evening prayer with tikanga Maori
Saturday 4 Nov
7.30am. Morning prayer from two tikanga
8.00, Breakfast
9.30am Session 7: “He Ringa Awhina‘ Tikanga Maori Guest Speaker Cherryl Thompson, Disability Educator and the Revd Vicki Terrell
10.30am morning tea
11.00 Session 8: Tikanga Pacifica Guest Speakers Revd Dr Eseta Mateiviti-Tulavu and Mrs Quandolite Reid Enari
12.30 Lunch
1.30 Session 9: ‘The Hands Still to come.’”’ Three younger women, one from each tikanga, will survey the landscape and come up with their findings .A Panel discussion with prior questions from Hui participants.
Bolivia Smith, (tikanga Polynesia from Samoa), with Serena Williams, (tikanga Maori from Auckland), and Bridie Marsden-Boyd ,(tikanga Pakeha from Christchurch).
3.00 afternoon tea
3.30 Session 10: ‘Hands, Hearts and Minds‘ .Miriam Jessie Fisher: A Korowai of Glory – God, Women, Good-News. Rethinking our inherited stories A creative theology and art workshop.
5.30 tikanga caucus
6.00 Dinner
7.00 Evening prayer with tikanga Polynesia
7.30 Culture night of fun ,creativity, theological reflection, and maybe dance. Poroporoaki
Sunday 5 Nov
7.00-7.30 Early breakfast
7.30am. Morning prayer from two tikanga
8.00 ‘Give us a hand’ Pack up and move out of the whare, in readiness for church
10.30 ‘In each others’ hands‘ A special invitation to join in with the Sunday Service at Holy Sepulchre, to be followed by a sumptuous morning tea/lunch/shared meal at Holy Sepulchre
1.00pm “Waving hands” departures