Join Rev Annette Cater, freshly appointed Vicar of Lower Hutt Anglican Parish as she shares openly and honestly about her 20 year journey of paid ministry in the Anglican Church. No question off limits – in fact the bolder the better!
A third generation Anglican, Annette was born and raised in Upper Hutt. She drinks her coffee black, paints and does upholstery for fun, preaches without notes and loves liturgical worship. She also loves mentoring and creating opportunities for others to grow into their God-given potential.
Hear Annette Cater on a Virtual Theology Chat Thursday 18 August 2022, https://youtu.be/pIIk-ir8D9s
The Sunday Star Times ran a great article about Annette recently. https://www.stuff.co.nz/national/129330820/the-labyrinthcreating-stolemaking-occasionally-swearing-vicar-annette-cater