A theological reflection on mana wahine and how it can address gender based violence
The Rev Ruihana Kaylene Marama Paenga rangatahi@tpoa.nz 3 Nov 2020

Mana Wahine as a faith- based expression of indigenous female leadership was the concept explored in a fascinating virtual theology chat on 4 December. Speaking from a Tuhoe perspective, Ruihana Paenga wove the Maori and Biblical creation stories together into an illuminating discussion of the concepts of mana and tapu. You can hear the recording onhttps://anglicanchurch-nz.zoom.us/rec/share/N2as9VcHSXMiZ2SKdheXQ6IxXrA-n9nlGShMOP0Kb-eyrODLy0GN3UmM1iELNrwG.vTK92lVAUvKJeJfX Passcode: 77mbdD6*
You can listen as Ruihana gives her theoretical background, and draws out implications for the first 45 minutes, followed by some challenging questions and comments from participants. The first two minutes can be skipped, as it is the getting started process! So start at 2minutes in.
Virtual theology chats are presented by the Anglican Women’s Studies Centre, usually once a month on a Thursday 7pm by Zoom.
Please email Ceridwyn, the administrator, if you would like to be notified of upcoming events.anglicanwomenstudies@gmail.com