Applications close 30 Sept. Lay and ordained women and men are invited to apply for scholarships. The St John’s College Trust Board provides scholarships to…
Order your copies through the General Synod Office At $30.00 plus P&P Email or phone (09)5214439
by Jane Simpson On Easter Monday a householder in Aranui, Christchurch, was sluicing down her front steps. In the sweltering heat they were dry…
7 pm 20 May Dr Jane Simpson: The Farewelling of a Home: writing and publishing a new liturgy. Last year, as I was writing an…
Celebrating our three tikanga richness as we move forward AWSC Council and Links gathered for two very interesting days of sharing experience, leadership training, theological…
Happiness, sadness, reflection, anger and laugh out loud humour -all can be found in our latest publication. Deep spirituality, theological reflection, profound faith and aroha…