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20 women, 3 tikanga, 2 days, several languages, many prayers, thousands of words, new directions.

Anglican women from New Zealand, Aotearoa and Polynesia met in person to discern a contemporary expression and vision for the Anglican Women’s Studies Centre.

Skillfully guided by facilitator, the Revd Caroline Leys, this kanohi-ki-te kanohi gathering was the culmination of many Zoom calls and emails.  The group met first at St John’s College, welcomed by Dr Moeawa Callaghan, then joined in with midday prayer in the historic Chapel, shared lunch in the Dining Hall with current students, and used the spaciousness of the Wesley Hall for small and large group discussions. The evening and the next day were spent at St Francis Retreat Centre, in Hillsborough- an excellent venue.

Like Mainland cheese, good things take time, and this strategic planning process will be a very good thing indeed. 

More information will be coming out soon, but those present can give you a first hand report if you ask them.  

AWSC Council and LINKS, with the Revd Caroline Leys at far right.

Posted in Council and Link Meetings, Gatherings - in person and online, Latest News, Maori, Pakeha, Pasefika

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