Tikanga Maori Councillors and Links

Tikanga Maori 202024-2026

Current Council and Link members here
Recent posts from Tikanga Maori
Seeking a Brilliant Administrator
Ceridwyn Parr has served the Anglican Women's Studies Council Council with grace and dedication for six years, and we will miss her wisdom and guiding presence. The Council is now looking for a new
Where is Wisdom?
A three-tikanga invitation to share ideas about human wellbeing and biblical wisdom. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DCzDUs2WaMk&t=13s An informal discussion with Cassandra Burton-Wood in the embryonic stages of her research proposal. In our late modern context we regularly feel
Maori spirituality
AROHA FUND FOR SPIRITUAL DIRECTORS FORMATION PROGRAMME funding for an applicant who is Tangata Whenua. Spiritual Growth Ministries offers a two-year part-time formation programme for spiritual directors. This beautiful model of “evocative” spiritual direction is
Redress, reconciliation and hope- what do they look like?
Hera Clarke is the Commissary for the Archbishops and her brief is reconciliation and restoration for those affected by abuse. WATCH here Virtual Theology Chat Thursday 17 October 7pm-8pm https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j_dGr4KgvEsAll welcome to Zoom Hera Clarke
Liturgies of Lament- Abuse in Care
Here you will find a simple liturgy which can be used, in response to the findings of Abuse in Care-the Royal Commission of Inquiry Liturgies are produced by the Methodist Church in several languages English,
Kahui Wahine -a Polynesian and Pakeha perspective
Through the generous invitation of Kahui Wahine, three women from the Anglican Women’s Studies Council shared four intense, educational and fascinating days, with about 150 members of Kahui Wahine, from all parts of the motu.
The International Anglican Women’s Network (IAWN) elects new Chair and Deputy Chair
Posted on: June 27, 2024 2:45 PM (Left) Hera Clarke-Dancer from the Province of Aotearoa, New Zealand and Polynesia and (right) the Revd Dr Helen Van Koevering from the Episcopal Church Photo Credit: ACNS Related
Wharenui Harikoa
or crochet your own neon whare A Virtual Theology Chat 20 July 2023 with Lissy and Rudi Robinson Cole https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2zwmpXJjo-w, Through the magic of the crochet hook, two artists have infused and connected whakapapa (geneaology),
Anglican Women’s Hui 2-5 November 2023
registrations are now closed but you are welcome to contact the Administrator for more information anglicanwomenstudies@gmail.com See the timetable below See the range of wonderful speakers https://anglicanwomen.nz/whos-who-at-the-hui/ Emily Colgan Miriam Jessie Fisher Bishop Waitohiariki Central