“Here I am; send me” – what will our response be?

The Revd Deb Cole meets up with Mrs Sheran Harper*, Mother’s Union Worldwide President.
On Sunday 16 May 2024, at Holy Sepulchre Church in Auckland, along with Ms Jeanette Lawrence, Zone C Liaison, , Mrs Harper was welcomed along with
representatives from around Aotearoa and Polynesia. They joined Pīhopa Te Kitohi
Pikaahu, Pīhopa o Te Tai Tokerau, to celebrate Eucharist at Te Ana Tapu/Holy
Sepulchre church in Auckland City.

Whaea Sheran gave the kauwhau/sermon
referring to Isaiah ‘s response to God, “Here I am; send me”. In the changing world
we live in, we will be called to follow God, despite our limitations and inadequacies,
what will our response be? Daily we are to create environments in our communities
where all God’s children are loved and nurtured. The service was followed by a
fabulous hakari/meal at Tatai Hono, the marae at Te Ana Tapu.
Later that evening about 50 people attended the Mother’s Union Gala Dinner held at
the Parnell Hotel and Conference Centre. It was a wonderful opportunity to
acknowledge Mother’s Union branch members from across Aotearoa and Polynesia.
It was wonderful to listen to stories and work volunteers do to support Mother’s
Union groups around the region. One volunteer has knitted over 3,500 pairs of socks
to give away – WOW!!! Some have been members for over 50 years.
*Mrs Sheran Harper, from Guyana, is the first Worldwide President of Mother’s
outside the United Kingdom to hold this position.

photos from Scott Parekowhai of Auaha Media