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Tilly Flood presents a Virtual Theology Chat 7pm 15 August. All welcome

Harvey Milk was a Jewish American politician and gay activist who was assassinated in San Francisco in 1978. Throughout his life Milk fought fiercely for the rights of the gay community and other marginalised groups in society. Shortly before his death he gave his most famous speech The Hope Speech in which he underlines the importance of people being open and transparent about their sexuality in order to provide positive role models and a sense of hope to the next generation.

The theological virtues of Faith , Hope and Love are often referred to in the New Testament, and date back to Thomas Aquinas (1225-1274)  These are thought to be foundational to the Christian life.

My paper will be an examination of the irony that a gay man uses a Christian theological virtue (Hope) to reach out to the people,  the Christian church have largely rejected.

Tilly Flood

Despite the best efforts of Harvey Milk and others who followed him, queer people still suffer discrimination and prejudice in the 21st century and this is inextricably linked to organised religion.

My paper will examine whether people of homosexual orientation within the church, have any reason to hope their situation will improve, so that we can all be part of a shared future going forward.

Tilly Flood holds a Bachelor of Arts (French language and literature) from the University of Otago. She attended the School of Fine Arts at the University of Canterbury and graduated BFA (Hons) in Film.

Tilly has written and directed short films and documentary. Her documentary Love is Free, screened throughout NZ at the Out Takes Film Festival. Tilly has worked for the Student Christian Movement (SCMA) and has studied theology with St Johns College, Auckland and the University of Otago. She recently travelled to Canada to present a paper at the annual meeting of the Canadian Theological Society in Montréal.

More about Harvey Milk :

Posted in Latest News, Virtual Theology Chat

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