Journey 2040: Women’s Leadership In the Church
This Litany was read at General Synod/ te Hinota Whanui in May 2024

Let us begin
In 1840 at least 13 wāhine Māori are signatories to te Tiriti o Waitangi in recognition of their rangatira.
In the 1860’s, after the invasion of Waikato and Taranaki and the destruction of Māori military resistance, new laws suppressed mana wāhine. Legislation was passed establishing the four Māori seats in Parliament in which only men could stand; new legislation changed the nature of Māori land ownership; and education which contested the place of te reo and mātauranga all greatly reduced the traditional ability of Māori women to participate in key political and economic decisions of their whānau, hapū and iwi.
Lord have mercy

In the 1870’s The Women’s Christian Temperance Union was established to promote the wellbeing of all women. Large numbers of women were active members of this group, motivated by the desire for a secure home, and concern at the damage done by alcohol abuse. Within these organisations women were usually accepted as men’s equals, and were able to vote, stand for committees and hold all official posts.
Wāhine Māori who joined had to give up a key manifestation of mātauranga: ‘I agree by this pledge not to smoke tobacco, not to drink any beverages that are intoxicating, and also not to take the ta moko. May God help me.’
Lord have mercy
In 1933 the first Māori woman was Deaconed
Thanks be to God

Until 1963 a woman was not even permitted into the St John’s college refectory for an official meal. It was noted that the idea of a woman being resident in a “men’s” theological college was ridiculous.
Lord have mercy
In 1976 General Synod votes to admit women to the Priesthood.
Thanks be to God
Appeals are lodged right up to when the “Famous Five” are priested in 1977
Lord have mercy

In 1977 Reverends Jean Brookes, Heather Brunton, Wendy Cranston, Rosemary Russell and Cherie Baker are Priested.
Thanks be to God
Until 1977 women who wanted to do theological training were forced to go overseas or do a correspondence course from Australia.

Lord have mercy
In 1978 Reverend Puti Hopaea Murray, the first Māori woman is Priested.
Many men, including priests, were furious about the ordination of women. Some said they would never take communion from a woman.
Lord have mercy

In 1990 Dr Penny Jamieson was ordained Bishop of Dunedin – the first woman Diocesan Bishop in the World.
Thanks be to God
Members of the all-male Cathedral choir hiss when Bishop Penny Jamieson processes.
Lord have mercy
In 2004, the Rev Eleanor Mancini was ordained in Auckland, becoming the Diocese of Polynesia’s first female Pasifika priest.
Thanks be to God
In 2008 General Synod adopts Standing Resolution 05 to promote equal gender representation across decision making, liturgical leadership, and the leadership of official gatherings in the Church. By 2018 only 14% of General Standing Committees, commissions, and tribunals had reached this goal.
Lord have mercy

In 2019 Waitohiariki Quayle is ordained Bishop of Upoko o Te Ika in Te Pīhopitanga o Aotearoa.
Thanks be to God
In a recent study, 80% of female clergy reported experiencing sexual harassment in the Church.
Lord have mercy
Over 800 women have been ordained in Aotearoa New Zealand and Polynesia.
Thanks be to God
In 47 years, our church has ordained over 40 men as bishops.
Six women have been ordained bishops.
Lord have mercy
Look kindly on our world, our God,
As we suffer and struggle with one another.
Look kindly on your Church,
Driven by the same necessity;
And may the light we have seen in Jesus
Illuminate and brighten all the world.