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Anglican Women’s Studies Centre – Home

Anglican Church in Aotearoa, New Zealand and Polynesia

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Tēnā Koutou, Malo E Lelei, Talofa Lava, Bula Vinaka
Welcome To The Anglican Women’s Studies Centre

  • For women in leadership, for women’s voices in theology, for mentoring, networking, publishing and for making a difference … Read more about us
  • Meet the Members of the Council for the Anglican Women’s Studies centre HERE

Our Latest Posts and Stories

  • Seeking a Brilliant Administrator
      Ceridwyn Parr has served the Anglican Women’s Studies Council Council with grace and dedication for six years, and we will miss her wisdom and guiding presence. The Council is now looking for a new administrator who can rise to the occasion. AdministratorAnglican Women’s Studies CentreThe Council for Anglican Women’s Studies Centre is seeking an…
  • Hope is Already Here, Let’s Face it: Reinterpreting Sunday Services
    Authors: Bridie Boyd, Jess Hall, Tepene Marsden In a climate where people are longing for genuine connection and explorations in faith, are our services effectively meeting this need? Jess Hall, Bridie Boyd and Tepene Marsden are presenting  short talk on Hope in Church. The lack of numbers at Sunday Services has represented a dwindling hope…
  • A Sinful Woman is Forgiven / The Healing of the Wounding in Jesus
    [A Feminist Theological Reflection on Luke 7: 36 – 50] By Lucy Nanson I am sure this woman was acting spontaneously, and with a love she could not consciously articulate at the time. Hers was a love that does not count the cost – at least not until afterwards. I have built upon a theological…
  • Shaking the Apple Tree- Jane Simpson
    Poems in response to sexual abuse by Clergy in the Anglican Church My hopes are that the book will continue to help the survivors of sexual abuse and hold the Church to account.  Judge Coral Shaw, Chair of the Royal Commission of Inquiry into Abuse in Care said to me: ‘I welcome such creative endeavours…
  • The Moral Dilemma of a Virgin Birth – A Woman’s Perspective         
       Lucy Nanson      The problem is the way the Gospel writers have constructed their birth stories. Increasingly over the years I have found their accounts causing a deep-seated moral dilemma for me as a 21st century woman.                   While visiting a far flung Cathedral in Australia displaying icons of various saints, I decided to light a…